Space Allocation and Management

Recommended By
Administration and Finance
Judy K. Sakaki, President
Issue Date
Friday, November 20, 2020
Current Issue Date
Friday, November 20, 2020
Effective Date
Friday, November 20, 2020
Contact Office
Administration and Finance
Policy number

This policy ensures that the physical facilities of Sonoma State University shall be managed, maintained, and controlled in a manner that contributes most toward fulfilling the university’s mission.

  1. Guiding Principles: Space is a central and critical university resource. It is our collective responsibility to manage and steward it well.
    1. There are four basic guiding principles for the allocation and management of space at Sonoma State University:
      1. The allocation and use of space shall be conducted in a consistent manner designed to optimize the use of space as a resource and advance the mission and strategic priorities of the university.
      2. Space is assigned on the basis of academic priorities and programmatic need.
      3. Space may be reassigned if priorities or needs change.
      4. Units or departments are responsible for managing their space appropriately with these guiding principles in mind.
  2.  Authority: The Trustees of California State University are responsible for all Sonoma State University, regardless of the original source of construction or acquisition of funds, and have delegated authority to manage the facilities on a day-to-day basis to the President of the University.
  3. Scope: Applies to all physical facilities and to all division departments on campus regardless of funding source.
  4. Implementation: Space management at Sonoma State University shall be implemented along the following principles:
    1. Space is a university resource. The physical facilities of the university, including General Fund and non-General Fund facilities are crucial to the successful operation of the campus and its associated programs and services.
    2. The Campus Planning and University Space Advisory Committee (CPUSAC) is charged with the review of resource allocations based on university strategies and priorities. The group serves as an advisor to the Provost/Vice-President of Academic Affairs and Vice-President of Administration and Finance, who in turn liaises with the cabinet about space management as needed.
    3. Space allocation and management can be changed at any time based on the needs of the university. Although space is allocated to divisions, schools, and/or departments, all space is owned by the university.
    4. Space resources shall be deployed in the most efficient and effective manner to best serve the university’s strategic, programmatic and operational goals. The University values flexibility and recognizes changing curricula, programs, services and technologies. As such, space allocations and assignments must aim for optimal utilization and respond to current and emerging needs.
    5. To avoid duplication of space, equipment and services, and avoid unnecessary costs, space shall be shared as much as feasible while considering potential impacts to programs, services and operations.
    6. Space standards adopted by the California State University system and the university shall be utilized to gauge space needs.
    7. Responsibility for assignment and reassignment of space will follow University, Division, and Auxiliary organizational procedures. This authority is contingent on compliance with applicable university administrative standards regarding space management and reporting requirements. Decisions requiring review will be referred to the Facilities Working Group through the CPUSAC.
    8. Space change requests shall be reviewed as per university administrative standards so as to ensure alignment with this policy. Administrative standards for space assignments shall be reviewed biennially and adjusted as necessary via the appropriate committee and administrator(s).
  5. Criteria for Space Allocation and Data
    1. Space Assignment and Location: The preservation of departmental or operating unit integrity is a high priority. As such and where possible, every effort will be made to locate members of the same department, office or unit within an appropriate proximity. Additionally, the university desires to foster a greater understanding between departments/units as well as a more innovative, collaborative and creative work environment. As such, the university embraces opportunities to locate programs, services and staff in a manner that promotes such.
    2. Off-Campus Space: As required by the State University Administrative Manual, leasing of off-campus space for university programs and business must be approved by the Vice President of Administrative and Finance in consultation with the President, Provost, and other Vice Presidents of the University.
    3. Allocation of Vacated Space: Space vacated by a physical move or made available due to renovation or new construction is allocated back to the university for re-allocation through the Facilities Working Group working through the CPUSAC. Likewise, space vacated shall be allocated back to the university for re-allocation in the same manner.
    4. Facility and Space Data: Facilities Management serves as the university’s facility and space data reporting authority with the Chancellor’s Office and maintains the University’s data in the California State University system-wide Space and Facilities Database.
      1. Facilities Management shall maintain detailed records for all facilities including an inventory of all space utilized by the university.
      2. Facilities Management shall consult with other university departments whose work may be dependent or influenced by the system-wide Space and Facilities database.
    5. Effective Space Utilization: All university space shall be managed to ensure effective and efficient utilization of space over time. Space which appears to be underutilized may be re-purposed to improve utilization and ensure alignment with standards adopted by the California State University system and further defined by the university. Facilities Management shall work with university divisions and auxiliary organizations to conduct space utilization studies and analysis to support appropriate decisions concerning effective space allocation.
    6. University Space Standards: The university constructs and maintains building campus facilities in compliance with a broad range of codes and regulations, most notably:
      1. State Fire Marshal - on fire, panic safety issues, exiting.
      2. Division of State Architect for access compliance.
      3. County Health Department approvals for pools and food service.
      4. Cal/OSHA for elevators.
    7. Project Evaluation Standards: Projects are evaluated through a permit process to assure compliance with California Building Standards Code, and California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 24. Additionally, the university adheres to space standards set forth by the State University Administrative Manual:
      1. Section V- Measurement Devices for Campus Physical Planning (9045- 9050) 
      2. Section VI- Standards for Campus Development Programs (9060- 9079) 
      3. Space Standards Chart (SUAM Section VI (9061))
        These standards are applicable to most types of space on the University campus; where system-wide standards are silent, university adopted standards shall govern.


California State University Administrative Manual

California State University Space Standards Chart