- Purpose and Definitions
- Purpose
The purpose of the policy on Representation on Administrative Search Committees is to ensure appropriate consultation from faculty, students and staff when searches for academic and other administrative positions discussed in this policy are undertaken. Such consultation shall occur during the search and prior to the appointment of academic and other administrators by the President of the University.
- Definitions
- Faculty: as defined in Article II, Section 1 of The Constitution of the Faculty of Sonoma State University, including Student Services Professionals (SSP) II, III and IV.
- Student: any student member of Associated Students at Sonoma State University.
- Staff: non-faculty, (see above) non-MPP university employees
- Purpose
- Faculty Representation on Administrative Search Committees
Except for positions addressed in II.D., faculty representation shall comprise at least 50% of the membership of all search committees addressed in this section.- Election and Appointment of Voting Faculty Members to Search Committees
- Upon notification of an open position, the Chair of the Faculty shall notify the Chair of the Structure & Functions Committee to begin the process for election or appointment of faculty to serve on the search committee.
- The Structure & Functions Committee shall be responsible for soliciting nominations for faculty representatives on search committees.
- For faculty representatives which require election, the Structure & Functions Committee shall arrange for an election to be held as outlined in Academic Senate by-laws.
- For faculty representatives who are appointed by the Senate Executive Committee, the Structure & Functions Committee shall evaluate nominees and submit recommendations for appointments to the Senate Executive Committee for decision.
- SSP representatives to Search Committees required in sections II.B.2. and II.D. shall be elected by a vote open to all SSPs II, III and IV.
- Search Committees for Administrator IV Positions, excluding Deans:
- With the exceptions noted in II.B.2. below, search committees for Administrator IV positions, excluding Deans, shall include four faculty members, elected at-large, at least three of whom must be instructional faculty.
- For Administrator IV positions with at least two SSPs in their report tree, search committees shall include two instructional faculty members elected at-large and two SSP representatives elected as specified in II.A.5.
- Search Committees for Dean Positions:
- With the exceptions noted in sections II.C.2. and 3. below, the search committees for Deans shall include two faculty members elected by and from the faculty of the School according to School election procedures, and one faculty member elected at-large. In addition, one Department Chair, elected by and from the Department Chairs within the School in a manner determined by the School’s Council of Department Chairs, shall be included in the search committees.
- The search committees for Dean of the Library shall include two faculty members elected by and from the Library faculty according to Library election procedures, the Chair of the Library faculty, and one faculty member elected at-large.
- The search committees for the Dean of the School of Extended and International Education (SEIE) shall include two faculty members elected at-large, one member from the SEIE curriculum committee or designee assigned by the Chair of the Faculty, and the Chair of the Faculty or his/her designee.
- Search Committees for Other Administrator III Positions:
- Faculty representatives to search committees for other Administrator III positions that meet any of the criteria listed in Appendix I shall include four faculty members appointed by the Senate Executive Committee.
- For Administrator III Positions with at least two SSPs in their reporting structure, search committees shall include four faculty members appointed by the Senate Executive Committee, with at least one being an SSP faculty member.
- Search Committees for Administrator Positions Not Addressed Above:
- The President of the University may at times deem appropriate to include faculty representation in search committees for administrator positions beyond those addressed elsewhere in the policy. In such cases, the President of the University shall notify the Chair of the Faculty of impending recruitment to fill other administrator positions. The notification shall include a request for faculty to serve on the committee.
- Election and Appointment of Voting Faculty Members to Search Committees
- Student Representation on Administrative Search Committees
- Upon notification from the President of the University to the President of Associated Students (AS), student members shall be elected or appointed to Search Committees in accordance with AS policies and procedures.
- Student membership on Search Committees for Administrator III and IV positions in Student Affairs Division shall include one or two members, at the discretion of the President of AS.
- Student membership on Search Committees for other Administrator III and IV positions that meet any of the criteria listed in Appendix II shall normally include one member.
- Staff Representation on Administrative Search Committees
All Administration III and IV search committees shall include one staff member. For Admin III searches, staff shall be appointed by an appropriate administrator. For Admin IV searches, staff will be elected.
- Responsibilities of the Search Committees
Once established, the Search Committee shall consult with the appropriate administrator(s) and the Employee Services Office and shall participate in preparation of the position announcement, and shall follow University search procedures and practices as posted on the University Affairs website: Recruitment Policy
- Failed Searches and Incomplete Search Committees
- If an Administrator III or IV search fails for any reason, the original members shall be permissible if search for the same position reopens.
- If the appropriate number of faculty, as outlined in sections II and III, cannot be identified for a search committee, the Chair of the Faculty, in consultation with the Structures and Functions Committee, may move the search forward without full faculty representation.
- Tenure and Faculty Appointment for Academic Administrators
- Tenured faculty who assume academic administrative assignments shall continue to hold their rank and shall retain rights to their faculty appointment.
- A faculty appointment may be granted to new academic administrative appointees only after consultation with the appropriate department.
- The President may award faculty tenure to a person whose assignment is in an administrative position at the time of appointment. Appointments with tenure shall be made only after an evaluation and positive recommendation by the Re-appointment, Tenure and Promotion Committee of the faculty member’s home department.
APPENDIX I: Criteria for Faculty Representation on Administrative Appointment Committees.
Faculty representation on Administrative III appointment committees shall be deemed necessary if any of the following criteria are met.
The role of the administrator involves:
- potential impacts on pedagogical practices or policies.
- potential impacts on facilities involving instructional spaces.
- technology related to faculty.
- potential impacts to degree and certificate offerings or requirements.
- support of academic departments in tenure track or adjunct faculty searches.
- coordination of evaluations of faculty scholarship, teaching performance, or Reappointment Tenure and Promotion (RTP).
- coordination of co-curricular activities related to established curiculum.
- enrollment analysis (e.g., for course viability) or scheduling of classes.
- allocation of instructional space for curricular or co-curricular activities.
- oversight or maintenance of files related to faculty or student performance.
APPENDIX II: Criteria for Student Representation on Administrative Appointment Committees.
Student representation on Administrative III appointment committees shall be deemed necessary if any of the following criteria are met.
The role of the administrator involves:
- potential impacts on classroom experience for students.
- potential impacts on facilities involving instructional spaces.
- technology related to students.
- potential impacts to degree and certificate offerings or requirements.
- support of academic departments in faculty searches.
- coordination of co-curricular activities related to established curriculum or student involvement opportunities.
- hiring, training or supervision of any on-campus student employees.
- student advising or advocacy at the department, school or university level.
- allocation of instructional space for curricular or co-curricular activities.
- oversight or maintenance of files related to faculty or student performance.