Recommended By
Athletics Department
David W. Benson, President
Issue Date
Tuesday, January 1, 1991
Current Issue Date
Tuesday, August 18, 1998
Effective Date
Tuesday, January 1, 1991
Contact Office
Athletics Departments
Policy number
-- This policy is currently under review --
- Policy
Sonoma State University faculty and coaches may propose, plan, and direct sports programs with instructional components, such as camps and clinics, which are not a part of regular University instruction and which may be intended primarily for individuals other than SSU students.- Such programs are offered under the aegis of the Athletics Department and are considered to be sponsored by the Athletics Department.
- However, such programs are self-support programs; that is, program revenues must be sufficient to cover program expenses.
- Such programs must be supportive of the University's broad educational mission, and must be conducted in accordance with State, CSU, and SSU policies.
- An SSU faculty member or coach will serve as Program Director.
- The primary purposes of such programs are:
- To provide opportunities for individuals in the University's service area, both youth and adults, to learn and improve their skills In particular sports; and
- To support the University Athletics Program and the particular sport that is being taught, in the form of money that is generated by the sports program fees and then contributed to Athletics to be used for such needs as equipment purchase and maintenance, facilities improvements, and team travel; and
- To enable University faculty and coaches to provide instruction In the sports in which they are qualified and to promote those sports, and to receive appropriate remuneration; and
- To advance the University's recruiting and outreach goals Inasmuch as programs for pre-college age youth serve to introduce young people in the area (as well as their parents, siblings, and friends) to SSU, and generally to "university life," an experience which may influence their later educational plans.
- Examples of sports programs which have been offered at SSU include: volleyball camp for high school women (summer), football camp for boys ages 8 through 12 (summer), indoor soccer for youth (intersession), basketball camps for boys and girls ages 7 through 16 (summer), and tennis clinics for adults (summer) and for high school tennis coaches (intersession).
- Procedures
- The Athletics Department has administrative oversight for sports programs. Approval for a program must be granted by the Athletics Director, who will consult with other University administrators as needed. First-time sports programs also require the President's review and approval.
- If the program is a day program the Program Director must submit a program proposal to the Athletics Director at least four months prior to the beginning date, and preferably earlier. if the program is a boarding camp requiring some or all participants to stay overnight in the residence halls arrangements must be made through the Summer Conference Program whose proposal deadline for summer programs is October 1.
- The proposal must include:
- The dates and times of the program.
- The objectives of the program and the nature of the instruction, activities, and events that will be offered.
- The specific University facilities that will be used, with confirmation from the scheduling office that they are available.
- A description of special services that will be required by University offices (such as Plant Operations, Media Services, Public Safety).
- The number and age-group of participants. (The Summer Conference Program limits the number of participants staying in the residence halls in any one program to 250.)
- The number of, and responsibilities and duties of, instructors and other staff who will be involved, both employed and volunteer.
- Budget and accounting plans, developed in consultation with Foundation Accounting (see section II.G.).
- Provisions to limit the University's and the Foundation's liability in the event of accident or injury (see section II.F.).
- Plans to promote and publicize the program, to be developed in consultation with the Public information Office.
- Plans to provide food service, in accordance with the SSU On-Campus Food Sales Policy.
- Means of ensuring adequate supervision of participants (in particular, non-adult), not only during actual program activities but at all times participants are on University grounds and in University buildings.
- The program must conform with all provisions of the SSU Use of Facilities Policy; that is, the Program Director must complete a Use of Facilities Application and related forms as required, and obtain all necessary approvals.
- In addition, the program must conform with all the policies, procedures, and requirements for use of PE Athletics facilities which are administered by the PE Department.
- Because of the relative high risk of Injury and accident associated with sports activities, certain requirements must be met, both to ensure the protection of participants and to limit the University's liability.
- The Program Director must obtain an "accidental injury sports insurance" policy for the particular sports program that insures all the enrolled participants for accidental death and dismemberment ($10,000), accidental Injury medical insurance, ($25,000), and catastrophic medical coverage ($500,000)."
- Participants in a sports program--or, if the participant is a minor, his/her parent or legal guardian--must also have, and must show proof of, accidental injury insurance (in addition to the insurance policy described In item 1, above.
- The University is insured for liability by the State's self-insurance program.
- The Program Director, as a University employee (coach or faculty member), is insured for liability by the State's self-insurance program. Also, in his/her role as Program Director, employed by contract with the Academic Foundation (see II.H.), he/she is insured for liability by the Foundation's comprehensive general liability insurance. Furthermore, he/she may choose to take out additional liability insurance as an individual.
- Sports program staff are insured for liability, as contract employees of the Academic Foundation, by the Foundation's comprehensive general liability insurance.
- Participants in a sports program--or, if the participant is a minor, his/her parent or legal guardian--must sign at the time of registration:
- A responsibility statement acknowledging that the participant must conduct himself/herself properly at all times while on University grounds or in University facilities, and that misconduct may be grounds for termination from the program.
- A statement agreeing to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the University and the State from all claims, injuries, damages, or losses resulting from negligence on the part of the participant.
- A statement authorizing the Program Director to render first aid, or to take the participant to a physician or a hospital in the event of accident, illness, or injury requiring immediate medical treatment.
- A statement specifying that the participant does not have any pre-existing health conditions that would preclude participation in the activities of the program.
- Budget and Accounting
- Sports programs should be managed economically, with sensitivity to the impact on University offices involved and on University facilities, and with adequate reimbursement to instructors, staff, and University offices providing services.
- Specifically, a sports program must reimburse the University for:
- Utility fees.
- Fees for special services, as determined by the offices providing services.
- Costs for repairs and replacement of equipment and facilities damaged beyond normal wear and tear.
- The program is not required to pay rental fees.
- An account must be established in the SSU Academic Foundation, and will be subject to all appropriate requirements and fees.
- The program Director must submit, at the time the proposal is submitted to the Athletics Director for approval, a complete budget. The budget must be approved by the Athletics Director. The budget must provide for:
- Anticipated revenues (based on anticipated enrollment and fees).
- Anticipated expenses, fixed and variable--including salaries (and benefits), accounting fees, Insurance, forms, publicity, utilities, special services, equipment and supplies.
- Amount/percentage to be allocated to the University Athletics Program and amount/percentage to be allocated to the particular sport.
- Contingency fund.
- The Program Director and all staff will be considered employees (not "consultants" or "independent contractors") of the Academic Foundation. Each must enter into a short-term contract of employment with the Foundation. Their salaries will be based either on a specified period of days or weeks, or on an hourly basis, or on program attendance, or on a percentage of revenues, or on some other basis recommended by the Athletic Director and agreed upon at the time the proposal is approved.
- Within 10 working days following the completion of the sports program, the Program Director must submit to the Athletic Director a full report on the program, including a complete accounting report.
- The Athletic Director will present a complete report of all sports programs to the University President annually.
- The University also permits sports programs to be offered at SSU by non-University organizations. Such programs must be compatible with the University's broad educational mission and must be conducted in accordance with State, CSU, and SSU policies. Such programs are administered through the University Contracts Office; or, if overnight accommodations are required, by the Summer Conference Program.
- All camps, clinics, and programs with instructional components other than sports programs sponsored by the Athletics Department (for example, programs offered by performing arts, fine arts, computing) must be administered by the Office of Extended Education and Summer Session; or, in certain circumstances as defined by the SSU Policy on Self-Support Instruction, by SSU Schools or approved centers and institutes.
Updated August 18, 1998 by